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ICS CXP "concept" M4.


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Old March 29th, 2009, 00:50   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
ICS CXP "concept" M4.

Hi guys, my name is Patrick and I am a retired vet (Canadian air force) looking to get into airsofting.

My son (who is under the age limit) told me to get started by coming here and read as much as I can. well after many hours of reading i decided I would join to ask you guys (who know a lot about airsofting i gather) about what gun i should buy to start out with! I am not concerned about money too much. I realize that this is an expensive hobby and that 200$ "investments" wont cut it. The gun I am looking at right now (I absolutely love the m4) is the cxp concept m4 made by ics. here. I know the importation laws regarding airsoft guns, and that site looks like it is able to ship to canada. (by the plastic lower receiver, i gather?)

Now, my real dilemma is whether or not I should buy the rifle previously linked, or the G&G "C.A.S" version M4 from 700airsoft. here.(second last from the bottom) The ics m4 is 410$, yet they dont display the gun's specifications, so I dont know if the speed is over the limit of my local playing field! (which is 350fps) On that note, the G&G m4 at 007airsoft is 10fps over the limit, but is also cheaper. One of my sons (who airsofts frequently at X-treme tactics) has told me that i could take it in to them and pay for a downgrade in the spring so i could play at the field. I don't mind buying either one, but which one should I buy? Is Mach1Airsoft a trusted dealer?

Thanks for any replies!

P.S: if there are any local players here in winnipeg who frequent X-treme tactics, feel free to PM me as I am seeking a group to play with and help my "entrance" into this sport a more pleasant one.

Last edited by Patrick; March 29th, 2009 at 00:52..
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Old March 29th, 2009, 01:20   #2
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head over to the Manitoba Airsoft Association website. Thats where youll find most of the information regarding games, players and teams. its at

For the cansoft (airsoft with clear recievers), specifically the G&G guns, there are different versions, and the prices reflect it. The difference is mostly build quality, with the reciever being a stronger plastic then the cheaper ones.

Dont buy a gun based on FPS. XT has reducers for rent, so if your gun is over the limit, they can reduce it for you without modification. This also allows you to use the same gun outdoors where the FPS limits are higher.

Watch for the FNG day at the end of april, its the first major event in manitoba usually, and its open to the public.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old March 29th, 2009, 01:27   #3
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Welcome to the forum!! From what i've seen, the CAS G&G's have a lower build quality than the "normal" versions. I would recommend a normal version (they don't have a smoked plastic receiver) as they feature pre-upgraded internals, (a tighter barrel, for instance) and are of sturdier, higher-quality construction. I'm not to sure about ICS, i haven't looked much into them, but Most of what i've heard has been good, and i think you'd be happy with any one of these guns. As for who to buy from, that would depend on where you live. Filling out your profile will fix that. Mach 1 airsoft is located in toronto, and 007 is in Calgary. So it comes down to who is closer, as whoever's closer will have cheaper shipping fees, and i beleive both stores carry pretty much the same guns, with only slight differences, aside from the CAS models. hope this helps!!
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Old March 29th, 2009, 01:45   #4
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Another avenue that you have for obtaining a gun is to meet with a local Age Verifier where you will meet with them, prove you are of Age Of Majority and then shortly after you will gain access to the classifieds section and purchase a used gun, that usually come cheaper, in packages with extra mags, batteries, and a bunch of other goodies.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

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This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 01:49   #5
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Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't your location put you in the middle between 007 and Mach1?

They're both trusted dealers. They are both retailers affiliated with this site and would gladly help you out.

Another option if you want something more, is to meet up with an Age Verification rep in person to get your info so that you can have the cool age verified tag under your user name and will have access to the classifieds where the higher end stuff can be found.

As for speed limits, there are velocity reducers available which you can buy (or rent as another person said). There also is the downgrading but you'd usually want to keep it at a higher FPS and use the Velocity Reducer if able so that all you need to do is take it off the end and you're good to go for outdoors games. Low velocities put you at a marked disadvantage at outdoors games since you're effective range is reduced.

I have heard of the ICS with clear lowers having problems and not being "ICS" quality that the black ones have. People tend to recommend the G&G ones more. The advantage with the ICS though is that I believe they have a split mechbox design and it's apparently easier/faster to change springs.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 02:08   #6
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thanks for all the warm reply's.

regarding the clear receiver, every G&G gun at 007airsoft has them, and the other companies such as Tokyo marui, classic army and ICS are "not for civilian" and im guessing i cant buy them.

Im going to take a crack shot at this and guess that 007airsoft is a vendor that doesn't supply to un-age verified players? how would i go about becoming age verified? (I know i said i had read a lot on this site, but I seem to have forgotten this bit and i am for lack of a better term computer "slow") I know a few family relatives who live in Ontario, who would like to get into airsoft (men my age) and perhaps we could get together for some big events with everyone else.

and as to what danneichh said, where would i find the "normal" ones on 007airsoft? If i need to become verified before i venture any further, then i guess i have no choice!

edit: i have found what appears to be a much higher-quality gun that of the other two i previously mentioned, here. Would this be better? FPS isnt a big factor, as I could work that out in the months to come.


Last edited by Patrick; March 29th, 2009 at 02:15..
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Old March 29th, 2009, 02:36   #7
aka Halo64
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edit: i have found what appears to be a much higher-quality gun that of the other two i previously mentioned, here. Would this be better? FPS isnt a big factor, as I could work that out in the months to come.

Buyairsoft, has not had that gun in stock for almost 2 years or more, your best bet for a high quality, all black gun would be to get Age verified, and then buy from a ASC Retailer, price maybe a bit more but you will get better quality.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 02:46   #8
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007 will sell to un AV'ed members but it just makes it easier if you are Verified to buy from him.

You should be able to do verification at Xtreme Tactics just ask around and see if there are any Verifiers around. All it involves is showing a piece of Government ID to prove you're 18+ (Which shouldn't be a problem in your case). This has no real legal bearing but most of us want to keep our stuff to 18+ so that stupid kids don't ruin it for us all.

007 for the purpose of us regular "civilians" only sell the clear guns. I'm not even sure if he can get in the "scary black guns" at all. That is unless he has some sort of pardon from the CFO to supply to LE or something like that but that's just speculation.

The only real place to get the black guns is the classifieds on here which you need to get AV'ed to access.

None of us are slamming on the clear Cansoft guns. In fact all you need is a can of spray paint and you'll be good to go (that is unless you want to keep the "active camo"). What we do slam on however is the cheap crappy clear ones you can get from Canadian Tire.

Also I don't think you can get that gun from buyairsoft. They're in the middle of a merger/take over I believe and they will be updating the whole site when the merger/take over is done (hopefully). Also they can't get those guns in Canada either, anything that's out of stock is out of stock permanently, doesn't matter what it says, it is out of stock permanently.

So as far as getting guns goes unverified, you're pretty much stuck to the clear cansoft which is actually pretty good for beginners IMO. As for the "scary black guns" you'll have to wait for Age Verification to go through before you can purchase from the classifieds.

What are you realistically looking to spend? Honestly?
For $120-180 you can get a Kraken which is surprisingly good after some preventative maintenance and minor upgrades.
$300-500 you're looking at the G&G cansoft line which are actually pretty good for what you're paying for them.
$400-800 these are the black guns you probably want, includes pretty much anything from TM, CA, G&P etc.
$2000+ is PTW (Professional Training Weapon) territory. These guns are actually used by LE and Armed Forces to train as they're that realistic. I've heard you can't tell the difference until you shoot the first BB, the weight and dimensions are exact to their Real Steel counterpart, and therefore will accept 99.999% of the real steel accessories.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 16:00   #9
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I guess i should've clarified, by normal i meant the guns with the lighter, completely clear plast receivers. sorry about that.
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