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A Hate on for Snipers?


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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:08   #31
A minor, using dad's ID
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I guess we will. Providing you ARE over 18...and are let onto a field with that attitude.
Originally Posted by Frozen Tex View Post
Is there a Cansoft Banhammer with a clear plastic shaft? And will it be compatible with full metal/wood Banhammers?

Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
I'm a sniper.

Because I'm fat and can't run fast.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:09   #32
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Originally Posted by Malice Army View Post
Whatever , I'll see you on a field somewhere, you won't see me, then we'll see how honorable you are when my single (under 400fps measured with a .20 bb calibrated for humidity and rotation of the planet) bb bounces off your chest, play on or call out, we'll see gentlemen.
Wow man, lay off of Crunchmiester, he is probably one of the most knowledgable, helpful and nicest members of ASC.
You said your how old? Act your age.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:10   #33
Malice Army
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Why would I lie about being 35 years old ? Crunch I straight up stopped reading your posts
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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:10   #34
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BB's impact area is MUCH more concentrated than a paintball...

I've (unintentionally) embedded a BB into some one's hand with a 200 FPS gun.. a 450 FPS gun is capable of doing the same at much longer distances.

There's no hate for snipers, but there is disdain for new people that don't quite understand safe distances and the effect of high FPS guns.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:11   #35
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Originally Posted by Malice Army View Post
Whatever , I'll see you on a field somewhere, you won't see me, then we'll see how honorable you are when my single (under 400fps measured with a .20 bb calibrated for humidity and rotation of the planet) bb bounces off your chest, play on or call out, we'll see gentlemen.
I wouldn't expect to be playing anywhere with that mouthy attitude champ. No one here is being hostile but you.
Originally Posted by SAWMAN View Post
Arkell was one of the worst players on the field
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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:11   #36
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sort of relevant; a few games ago I saw someone play a vsr firing in the mid 300fps range and using only iron sights. He played it in very much the same style as the pistol players- run duck hide then wait. After he shot he would displace, run hide and wait again. He was amazing to watch and I got him on lots of the video. Although almost every one of his opponents had AEGs he was still able to rack up just as many kills by changing the tactics to suit his weapons strengths and limitations.

From what I have seen most 'sniper' players dont do that, they expect first person shooter sniping where they camp and bang away at targets. Rather than adapt the style of play they keep upping the fps and wondering why they cant score kills at super long ranges...
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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:12   #37
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First time I was hit with a sniper rifle, it was from a KJW mark 1 shooting 0.25 bb's ~ 500fps. An experienced player had been using it and was aiming for my chest but it hit right above my goggles on my forehead. It split the skin and felt like someone had beaned me in the head with a rock. I've never had a gun shooting 0.2's at 350 fps at the same range feel like that, even with multiple hits. If you don't believe us, I recommend you have someone test them out on you, so you can feel the difference. :wink:
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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:12   #38
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lol Ok, that sounds like a plan to me. Big assumptions there though. First being is that you'll be allowed to play as a sniper in the first place when no one knows you. And second is being that anyone will even want you at a game if they find out who you are, based on the pissy, confrontational attitude that you've demonstrated thus far.

And as for bringing in my integrity as a player, I play honourably and anyone that I've played with can attest to that. I always call my hits, even when I THINK I've been hit.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:13   #39
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Originally Posted by Malice Army View Post
Why would I lie about being 35 years old ? Crunch I straight up stopped reading your posts
I believe you've been ignoring anything I said since the start anyway, because I answered your questions correctly in my first post.

And wow - 35 years old with that kind of a childish attitude. Hard to believe dude.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 19:14   #40
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Malice Army View Post
Crunch I straight up stopped reading your posts
And unfortunately, I can't stop having to read yours.

Crunch isn't a mod, but I am. And having gone through this entire thread, you're the one with the attitude problem. You're assuming Crunch is being antagonistic when he has been nothing but informative. I think you posted expecting a fight and you're holding on to that antagonistic attitude even when people have done nothing except properly reply to your question.

Thread locked for 24 hours.
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Old March 31st, 2009, 10:01   #41
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Originally Posted by Malice Army View Post
Nice attittude, I asked a simple question that is reoccurring throughout, and YOU did nothing to answer my question CRUNCHwhatever. Other members did and thanks to them. I assume you are a mod or something , but you where combative and a dick in my opinion. I haven't upgraded my gun at all and was wondering what the deal was when to me 300fps is 300fps no matter the weight. Thanks to the guys that explained things about the embedding issue, never thought of that , since the impact of a paintball is disappatted by it breaking on you.
Crunchmeister, get a life, way to encourage people into the sport/hobby , loser

Just to clarify:

You didn't seem to catch what he was saying earlier. Actually, you are wrong. A .20 BB traveling at 350 FPS will have ALOT less energy than a .40 BB traveling the same speed.

A comparison in 'Power': If my calculations are correct... The .40 at 350 FPS would be equivalent (In energy/power at the muzzle) to having a .20 traveling approximately 495 FPS. If you wanted the .40 to have the same 'power' as the .20, you would need to have the .40 shooting at 247 FPS.

There is a LARGE difference. Energy/power is the real detirmining factor for 'danger'. Also, as it has been said... A heavier BB will also keep its energy longer/farther. (Aswell as remaining more stable at high velocities.)

Another thing making Airsoft more dangerous... An Airsoft BB will have alot less contact surface when compared to a Paintball. This means less area that the force of the BB can travel through.

You can see the difference with say... A nail, compared to a bed of nails. Slightly different idea, but the concept is there. With one nail, it would pierce your skin if you laid on it. With say 1000 nails, you could lay on them harm free. I am guessing with the numbers, but I'm sure you've all seen the 'trick'. This is exaggerated more by the BB not breaking on contact like a paintball.
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Old March 31st, 2009, 14:43   #42
Hash Vapor
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Is there a published blacklist available for game organizers? There should be if not.
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Old March 31st, 2009, 15:10   #43
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.2g BB @ 350 fps

Muzzle Energy: 1.14J
Energy at 25m range: 0.99J @ 326 fps

.43g BB @ 350 fps

Muzzle Energy: ~ 2.5J
Energy at 25m range: 2.13J @ 326 fps

Even at 25m (about 75 feet), a hit from a .4g BB from a 350 fps gun is almost double what the muzzle energy would be to be shot at point blank range with a .2BB @ 350 fps. That can cause some pretty serious injury.
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Old March 31st, 2009, 15:51   #44
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I've seen people have teeth knocked out from sub-350 fps guns. I've had my pinky finger broken by one that shot about 410.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
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Old March 31st, 2009, 17:11   #45
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Originally Posted by Malice Army View Post
So what is my buddy supposed to do with his SCAR its brand new, lith-ion battery, kit cost him a thousand bucks. Chrono'd with a radar chrony with .25 double polished at 380 fps. How are you supposed to lower that? They aren't adjustable like paintball guns
Try a weaker spring? Airsoft guns are, in fact, very adjustable and modifiable. By the same token, why did your friend drop that much money of a gun he's not allowed to use? You guys need to check your local fields FPS limits and purchase airsoft equipment accordingly. Also, as far as being a noob, I think a noob here is someone who is not known to the community. You can be the best airsoft sniper known to man, but the fact is, the people on this forum (which is a fair chunk of canadian airsofters) Don't know you, and don't know how good of a sniper you or your friend are. If you and your friend want to become recognized as snipers, I would recommend coming out to some ASC associated games as riflemen, and get to know the community, and let them see how well you guys use proper trigger control, how well you follow mercy rules, and all that. Dammit, everything i've said has already been explained a helluva lot better by everyone else! lol

Last edited by Danneichh; March 31st, 2009 at 17:19.. Reason: The discovery that my post was pointless
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