In the end it can even come down to this lets say the CBSA lets your gun through cause after all it meets the import criteria? But then lets say that your gun was only let through cause in reality heres what happened. They saw a gun on the package, opened it up, poked through the gun, fired it, took it apart the whole nine yards. How long does this take? Try a handful of weeks to even months. Why? The CBSA sees a ton of packages, if your package is deemed, suspisious than it gets put in a line and eventually its looked at, and then and only then, it MAY get through. Who knows despite all the stuff the store said about being above ### FPS there was an air leak or a dried seal or even the wrong spring.
Originally Posted by FirestormX
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.