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Kjw M4 vs We Scar L


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Old March 13th, 2010, 14:58   #1
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Kjw M4 vs We Scar L

Ok, im going to buy a gbbr. I've decided that I'm going to get either the kjw m4 or the We scar. I'll be using it for outdoor games. I'm looking for a gun with reliability, durability, and easy to find parts. Which gun should I get, and why?
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Old March 13th, 2010, 15:12   #2
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Originally Posted by Ross View Post
I'll be using it for outdoor games. I'm looking for a gun with reliability, durability, and easy to find parts. Which gun should I get, and why?
Use an AEG especially if you're a new player.

Otherwise... I'd pick the WE SCAR, RATECH's got more aftermarket parts.

KJW feels more like a toy and the recoil is weaker IMO

Don't base your judgement off of 007s video, I still get a kick out of it when I see it cause Ken tries to make the recoil seem more than it really is.
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Old March 13th, 2010, 16:21   #3
a.k.a. KGBB
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Like aZn_triXta07 said the logical choice for new player will be an AEG.

As for the WE i'll let someone else post about it because i didn't have the chance to analyse it deeply.

For the KJW M4.
The recoil is weaker than all other GBB-R.
Reliability of this gun is very good. It's true that there is not a lot of after market part for this gun but there is also no need for them. The gun work fine OOTB. After several thousand bb's, the part #8 and #17 may broke (these cost about 10$). Or you can install Cradle parts for 60-70$cad. It's pretty much everything you'll need to install in your gun to make it skirmishable. The other thing will be a TBB but it will be the same in all other gun.

If you install these parts you'll also be able to adjust the velocity of your gun. So you can switch from a CQC to an outdoor GBB-R. Stock the gun is capable of +450fps (.20gr) and you can decrease it to almost 0fps.

The mag contain enough gas to empty +2 mag. The only concern is the mag shape (thermold) it can be a pain to insert them in your vest but after a wild you'll get used to it. They have a switch on the side that will allow blank fire. They hold 38 bb's. In the cansoft version 2 mags come with the gun. Some other company actually work on a stanag mag for this gun but i dont have a release date or price.

I already put +\- 6 thousand bb's thru it and it still work fine (with Cradle parts). I install a short outer barrel and a TBB EDGI on mine. AEG part like outer barrel (with mod) fit.

On Arnies forum you can find a very good review on this gunhttp://

Hope this will help

Last edited by Karloss; March 13th, 2010 at 19:56..
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Old March 13th, 2010, 21:08   #4
Rookie Ab
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If you want the one that will work out of the box,and keep on working,KJ all the way.

And yes,read those 84 pages on Arnies.
AKA : Rookie, on a few other boards.

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Old March 14th, 2010, 20:35   #5
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I have an aeg. I'd like to own a gbbr as well. Thanks for everyone's input.
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Old March 15th, 2010, 16:18   #6
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Personally, I found the recoil on my KJW stronger than on my AGM. I can't comment on the WE unfortunately.

I used my KJW outdoors when the temp was 5 degrees and heated to about 10, and it worked absolutely great.

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Old March 15th, 2010, 21:30   #7
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KJW M4 is a very very good gun. Extremely reliable with the Cradle upgrades. I don't know why that guy said it feels like a toy. My full metal KJW M4 is nothing of the sort. Very durrable... except the hand guards... they feel cheap... but $30 to get real M4 or C8 handguards with the heat sheald and that fixes that.

I have 5 mags and each of them hold 2-3 mags full of gas. Any WE is horrible on gas. Also, the kick on this gun is nice and hard. I myself have not used the WE for compaison but its definately not something to laugh at.
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Old March 15th, 2010, 22:53   #8
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I just got my Wetti Scar-L today and it is a force. Flawless finish, solid weight, great kick, excellent accuracy. I can't speak on the gas capacity for the mag, It easily holds enough to empty the 30 rounds loaded into it with lots of gas to spare. Temperature today wasn't terrible, 9.6 degrees, it took 45min using a single mag doing some plinking outside before it was to cold to remain effective.
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Old March 15th, 2010, 23:03   #9
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I had an AGM M4 with a bunch of aftermarket upgrades, and a WE M4 with all the latest WE update parts. While they were both fun (The AGM had great realism in operation, and the WE had great trademarks and was nicely built), neither was particularly gameable, especially in cold weather.

Enter the KJW/TK M4. Stock, it ran flawlessly. Shot consistancy and range to match any upgraded AEG? Check. Chronoed 405 FPS on .2s at 17 degrees, so just in our field limit of 410. First game day I used it (after my PTW barked two teeth off its sector gear), with only two mags, it kept me on a level playing field with everyone else on my team. While I'm waiting on parts for the PTW, I bagged another six mags for the KJW, and gamed it again. Temps ranged from 4-8 degrees, and once again, bang on consistant, fired full mags and locked back the bolt every time the bbs ran out. I'm in love. I also now only have one GBBR...

Now, I've got my hands on some Cradle Airsoft parts (Piston, Velocity Reducer, and 363mm M4 length tightbore), with agme coming this weekend. it'll be nice to see what it can do with a little tinkering
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Old March 16th, 2010, 02:48   #10
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These comments were very helpful. Thanks to all.
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Old March 16th, 2010, 03:15   #11
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Are you using the Cansoft or the Full metal one?

Originally Posted by hondatech View Post
I had an AGM M4 with a bunch of aftermarket upgrades, and a WE M4 with all the latest WE update parts. While they were both fun (The AGM had great realism in operation, and the WE had great trademarks and was nicely built), neither was particularly gameable, especially in cold weather.

Enter the KJW/TK M4. Stock, it ran flawlessly. Shot consistancy and range to match any upgraded AEG? Check. Chronoed 405 FPS on .2s at 17 degrees, so just in our field limit of 410. First game day I used it (after my PTW barked two teeth off its sector gear), with only two mags, it kept me on a level playing field with everyone else on my team. While I'm waiting on parts for the PTW, I bagged another six mags for the KJW, and gamed it again. Temps ranged from 4-8 degrees, and once again, bang on consistant, fired full mags and locked back the bolt every time the bbs ran out. I'm in love. I also now only have one GBBR...

Now, I've got my hands on some Cradle Airsoft parts (Piston, Velocity Reducer, and 363mm M4 length tightbore), with agme coming this weekend. it'll be nice to see what it can do with a little tinkering
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old March 16th, 2010, 10:21   #12
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Cansoft. I'd like to get my hands on a metal lower, and next time there's a retailer that can get an all metal one, I'll likely add another to the collection. It's worth having more then one
South Island Rangers Airsoft - Victoria, BC
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Old March 16th, 2010, 19:10   #13
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i love my full metal KJW M4.... its soooo beautiful
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Old March 16th, 2010, 20:06   #14
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Yep, one of these hit my very short list after playing with Hondatechs. That thing can inspire fear from across the field.

Of course its now even easier to follow him with my nose, which was never much of a challenge.

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Old March 17th, 2010, 19:21   #15
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The KJW M4 lacks spare parts I think.

The WE SCAR is really nice but there are issue of stock breaking where the bolt carrier bumps since it directly against platic, not on a metalic support like the RS.

The M4 is really nice on the other hand but getting the hop up out is a pain.

WA system is more simple to use with lots of spare parts. In fact I build one entirely from spare.
The WOC serie of G&P is just incredible, AGM are fine two.
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I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

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