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G36 gearbox destroyed.


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Old May 26th, 2012, 00:07   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
G36 gearbox destroyed.

So today I learned a good lesson. Let experienced people do the difficult stuff. My Ares G36 started making a buzzing noise which a fixed by loosening the screw under the pistol grip. So after that the gun stopped firing and when I pulled the trigger all you could hear was a click. So I thought hmmmm... maybe a could follow some video tutorials on taking the gun gearbox apart. So I attempted this daunting task and when I got the screws around the gearbox out... it just exploded. Is this my fault or what? PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS CAUSE I DAMN WELL KNOW I SHOULDN'T HAVE!

Next question. I have the money to put into a new gearbox, but where can I get one? Could I get Ares to do something? I also have a local Paint ball/ kinda airsoft store that may be able to help me. Do you think they could actually reassemble an Ares G36 gearbox?
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Old May 26th, 2012, 00:53   #2
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Why do you think your gearbox is destoryed? Were any of the parts broken or did it just explode all over the place? Oh and welcome to V3 gearboxes. Have fun trying to wrestle everything together
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Old May 26th, 2012, 00:54   #3
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Take it to someone who knows what they're doing (gundoc). Over-the-internet diagnosis could take forever or not even solve your problem, and someone looking at the actual gun might be able to tell you what's wrong in 5 minutes.

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Old May 26th, 2012, 01:06   #4
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Well you see nothing broke in the gearbox it's just like trying to put together an impossible jigsaw puzzle. I fact are there any AMAZING guides to putting a V3 back together?
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Old May 26th, 2012, 01:16   #5
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V3 Gearbox Disassembly - YouTube
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Old May 26th, 2012, 01:20   #6
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Patience, after that some more patience.. and perhaps a bit more patience after that.. last but not least, patience.

Oh, some added patience is also a good idea

Seriously, take your time, relax, be careful, take your time even more, and be some more careful.
It's fairly straight forward, you just need to take your time and go super slow.
(See the theme here? )

Best of luck
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Old May 26th, 2012, 02:24   #7
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now is the perfect time for your upgrades at least. Take your time and you will get it. More discoveries have been made through screw ups then through listed goals.
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Old May 26th, 2012, 02:59   #8
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Oh so it didnt really explode...i was gonna ask if u were ok....
I guess most important thing is if u can find all the pieces gluck
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Old May 26th, 2012, 03:27   #9
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If you ever do this again what you want to do is put the gearbox in a big Ziploc bag right at the start. Then open it up and when all the pieces explode they stay in the bag instead of flying across the room.

Then you just take the bag to whoever is going to put it back together for you.
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Old May 26th, 2012, 03:38   #10
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@OP, don't panic. It's actually even slightly funny. I'm sure nothing was broken, just make sure you dont lose any little parts/springs etc.

The mechbox, when assembled, is under tension from the main spring; when you open the mechbox you need to hold the spring guide and cylinder down to keep them from flying out (like they did in your case) until you lift out the spring guide and let the spring uncompress.

There's a lot of tutorials on the web for V2/V3 mechboxes. Yours is a V3 but v2 is similar and there may be more videos which contain V2 boxes, so you should watch them anyway.

It's actually very easy to put back together as long you know where all the pieces go. If you're mechanically inclined you can probably figured a lot of it out just by looking closely at the parts.
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Old May 26th, 2012, 04:22   #11
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
If you ever do this again what you want to do is put the gearbox in a big Ziploc bag right at the start. Then open it up and when all the pieces explode they stay in the bag instead of flying across the room.

Then you just take the bag to whoever is going to put it back together for you.
I'd prefer if people left it intact when bringing it to me.

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Old May 26th, 2012, 09:55   #12
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
@OP, don't panic. It's actually even slightly funny. I'm sure nothing was broken, just make sure you dont lose any little parts/springs etc.

The mechbox, when assembled, is under tension from the main spring; when you open the mechbox you need to hold the spring guide and cylinder down to keep them from flying out (like they did in your case) until you lift out the spring guide and let the spring uncompress.

There's a lot of tutorials on the web for V2/V3 mechboxes. Yours is a V3 but v2 is similar and there may be more videos which contain V2 boxes, so you should watch them anyway.

It's actually very easy to put back together as long you know where all the pieces go. If you're mechanically inclined you can probably figured a lot of it out just by looking closely at the parts.

My first foray into taking apart my G36 mechbox was a nervous mess. More than once I've had a spring guide rocket across the floor (hint: never open the mechbox with the back facing something breakable...). Now I can take it apart without going "sprang!" and put it all back together in 10 minutes or less.

A couple of tips for the OP:

1. I haven't seen the ARES G36 mechbox, but I believe all ARES guns have spring quick-change features. This means you can remove the spring guide before you open the mechbox, and thus relieve the all the spring tension.

2. Failing the above, remove the motor first and trip the anti-reversal latch, either through the bottom of the mechbox with a pair of needle-nose pliers, or through a little window in the side of the mechbox if it has one (see my SL-8 review in the reviews section for what I'm talking about here).

3. Take your time putting it back together. If at any point you get frustrated, just cover it over to keep dust out and leave it for a few hours.

4. If you have a friend around get them to help you. It's amazing how much help another pair of hands an be, even if they're just holding something down.

5. Similar to 1, if it has a quick change feature, don't put the spring back in until the mechbox is back together (just make sure your piston is fully forward).

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Old May 28th, 2012, 23:32   #13
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Originally Posted by Tormented Penguin View Post
now is the perfect time for your upgrades at least. Take your time and you will get it. More discoveries have been made through screw ups then through listed goals.
The spring opened the mec box for him and his first thought was to buy a complete new box. I don't see him doing any successful upgrades on his own.

Attempt to put it back together on your own. If you have any doubt about reassembling it take it to someone. last thing you need is real damage caused by a misplaced part.
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Old May 28th, 2012, 23:45   #14
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I finish putting it together Saturday. Alot of time learning and patience got it together. I'm 100 percent sure i put it together properly. Although once i got it reassembled I had the same issue as before. Clicks but doesn't fire. So I'm positive its my 7.4 lipo thats the issue. Now if anyone could awnser one question for me. Would a gun not full cycle and stop and have the clicking issue if i put it together wrong. I dont see what i could have done wrong but i don't think having the gearbox apart caused that issue seeing as it was doing the same thing before i opened it.
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Old May 29th, 2012, 00:07   #15
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When the gun made the buzzing sound did it still cycle the gun?
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