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SHS gearsets


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Old January 24th, 2014, 14:16   #1
Join Date: Oct 2006
SHS gearsets

Hey guys,

I've read a fair bit about SHS gearset being a pretty bang for your buck on budget builds, but could someone explain the different "editions" of their gearsets?

I've heard that a certain batch/edition of their gearsets are total garbage.

Is that the old run or the new ones where the sector gear is one side silver and one side black with an all black spur gear and all silver bevel?

Please let me know and thanks for your time
paulwes83 is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 24th, 2014, 21:53   #2
"bb bukakke" KING!
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ottawa
the version people refer to is the bevel gear revision over the course of production runs.

The very first release batch were excellent... Very well priced gears and good quality that you could pull with 150 springs on 13:1s with crazy neo motors and giant batteries.

The 2nd generation for some reason had narrower spur side teeth on the bevel, and they could possibly shear.

Following that I think there was a run of decent gears again, I didn't follow the production runs much after the 2nd run. But it might have also been this generation where they produced a run of bevels with 9 spur side teeth rather than 10... this fucked up the gear ratio that was marked on the gears, but they were stronger.

Following shortly after that there are a new set of 10 tooth bevels now with the gears that are just fine reportedly.

I have installed 3 shs sets in 2 guns. 16:1s in my p90, 2 seasons, no issues. 30 rps 400 fps.

the other sets were 13:1s in my g36. A bearing oon the spur let go (odd because the bearings in the p90 are the exact same size and make) after before 2000 rounds, the spur smashed into the gearbox and ground up the sector gear a bit. I changed out the gearset as a precaution, there was no damage to the bevel.

The 2nd set of 13:1s has been in the g36 for a season running varying RPS between 20-35. 400 fps. No issues.

I have a feeling the set that's in the g36 now is a rev2 set when I measured the teeth width on the bevel I wasn't confident they were the good ones, however they've not let go through some serious abuse and use. Knock on wood. It may have just been improper heat treatment on the gears that caused the failures, nobody seems to be sure what it was.

By now though those rev2 bevels should be flushed from the market, the ones on the market now should be fine. But like all airsoft bits... it's all in the install, alignment of the stars, some luck and a roll of the dice if you got mutated good parts from a bad batch. So your mileage may vary.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 25th, 2014, 00:47   #3
Join Date: Oct 2006
Awesome, thanks for explaining man.
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