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7.62 Nato Chest rigs?


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Old April 6th, 2014, 02:36   #1
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7.62 Nato Chest rigs?

Does anyone know if there's a cheap chest rig out there suitable for 20 rounder 7.62 nato mags?

Looking for something under $30 that'd work well with G3 mags. Just want something quick and easy to use while I source pouches and other random kit for a banshee.

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Old April 6th, 2014, 08:08   #2
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You can find old surplus Chicom rigs starting around $8.

Other than that, not for $30 I'm afrade. There aren't many chest rigs for $30 period.

The two solid rigs I can think of are from Head on Tactical, and Mayflower, but they're both at least $100
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Old April 6th, 2014, 09:02   #3
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Originally Posted by Wilkie View Post
You can find old surplus Chicom rigs starting around $8.

Other than that, not for $30 I'm afrade. There aren't many chest rigs for $30 period.

The two solid rigs I can think of are from Head on Tactical, and Mayflower, but they're both at least $100
I thought about the chicom rig but I have a feeling its going to be a bit of a pain pulling g3 mags out since the pouches are a deeper since they're intended for the ak banana mags.

Definitely don't want to spend ~$100 for a chest rig at this point for the G3 when I've already got a setup in mind and various bits and pieces being shipped in.

Thanks for the help though Wilkie, guess I'll stick with my old plan and order some surplus plastic g3 mag pouches, mod them, and slap them on a belt for a super cheap belt rig.

Anyone know if Cheaperthandirt sells stuff to Canadians?

Or if anyone knows where I can get those plastic G3 double magazine pouches in Canada for cheap lemme know; I haven't been able to find any Canadian surplus store with them in stock.
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Old April 6th, 2014, 09:15   #4
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CTD will ship to Canada

An idea with a chicom is to stuff the pouches with something, like toilet paper for example, so the mags don't slip to far down the pouch. A common sponge would work while maintaining its rigidness ( until it gets wet I guess...)

You could also get a cheap condor rig, say a $20 battle belt, and get some cheap 7.62 pouches from over seas

Last edited by Wilkie; April 6th, 2014 at 09:18..
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Old April 6th, 2014, 09:32   #5
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Old April 6th, 2014, 09:44   #6
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I'm a big fan of 7.62 rifles. The down side of owning one is accessories (mags, pouches..) ain't cheep compared to the more common 5.56 options.

If you already have a rig with Molle, the best and cheapest option is to simply buy pouches that'll fit 7.62 mags.

There are standard sized mag pouches that should fit most 7.62 mag variants. One exception here would be the H&K 417 which requires an extra large pouch to accommodate mags designed for this rifle.

Here are some options around $30 you could consider. You'll some of the links also have options for single/double/triple mag pouches.

For M-14, FAL, SR25, SCAR-H

CPGear Double Mag Pouch - $37

Tactical Tailor Single 7.62 Mag Pouch - ($15USD/$20 CAD est.)

Condor M14 Mag Pouch - ($20)

BDS Simple 7.62 double Mag Pouch ($23 USD, $28 CAD est.)

For H&K 417 (Heads up - 417 options are a bit pricier)

Mayflower Tactical H&K 417 triple mag pouch - ($68 USD, $75 CAD est.)

Begdadi H&K 417 Single Mag Pouch ($25 CAD Est) I think you can also find these on E-Bay

Hope this helps..
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Old April 6th, 2014, 10:27   #7
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Originally Posted by Wilkie View Post
CTD will ship to Canada

An idea with a chicom is to stuff the pouches with something, like toilet paper for example, so the mags don't slip to far down the pouch. A common sponge would work while maintaining its rigidness ( until it gets wet I guess...)

You could also get a cheap condor rig, say a $20 battle belt, and get some cheap 7.62 pouches from over seas
Oh nice, I'll probably grab a set of those mag pouches from CTD then and maybe the SKS chest rig they've got as well, might fit the G3 mags better.

This is what I had in mind for the plastic pouches:

G3 Surplus Magazine Pouch- Original and modified - YouTube

Really simple mod and it seems like its got enough retention and accessibility to function like a fastmag pouch.

Originally Posted by Voodoo. View Post
I'm a big fan of 7.62 rifles. The down side of owning one is accessories (mags, pouches..) ain't cheep compared to the more common 5.56 options.

If you already have a rig with Molle, the best and cheapest option is to simply buy pouches that'll fit 7.62 mags.

There are standard sized mag pouches that should fit most 7.62 mag variants. One exception here would be the H&K 417 which requires an extra large pouch to accommodate mags designed for this rifle.

Here are some options around $30 you could consider. You'll some of the links also have options for single/double/triple mag pouches.
LOL, I know what you mean. Battle rifles are just so damned awesome.

I don't have a molle platform yet... waiting on my Suregrip & Tacos to get made and sent out (still won't have enough pouches to run a primary though) and I haven't ordered the Banshee yet, just sourcing pouches atm.

I'm reluctant to get 7.62 specific pouches (though I love the TT stuff) as I've got G3 magazines, AR magazines, and AK magazines to contend with so I'm trying to go with HSGI Taco's since they pretty much fit all of them and I'll end up saving quite a bit on pouches in the long run. The only problem is that nothing's sent out yet and it'll take a while for everything to arrive so that's why I was looking for a cheap chest rig I can use in the meantime. But thanks for all the links, appreciate your help Voodoo.

Oh and I hate you for posting those 417 pouches... Been resisting the urge to get a 417 when VFC/Umarex releases their GBBR 417 later this summer...
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Old April 6th, 2014, 14:05   #8
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molle chest rig + 7.62 pouches = modern 7.62 chest rig
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Old April 7th, 2014, 18:29   #9
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