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Pairing Night Vision With a Scope.


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Old September 28th, 2016, 13:28   #1
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Pairing Night Vision With a Scope.

I've been looking into finally considering night vision to add to my airsoft kit, but I don't wear a helmet, nor do I have any designs on going that route at this time. I do however like my gear to be versatile and provide as many reasonable options as possible. So for NVs I'm thinking that a monocle would be my best bet over a scope or goggles. It's more than likely I'll mount the thing on top of my gun rather than on a helmet I don't have, which could change, but that's not the current goal. Instead of changing up my weapon setups from day to night I'd prefer to just add NV right in there if possible. So do only certain types of monocles support being paired with a scope, what about certain types of scopes? If I match a scope up properly with NV is that adequate? Insight would be lovely, as NV is maybe the one area in airsoft I've avoided going yet.
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Old September 28th, 2016, 14:10   #2
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Please take what I have to say with a grain of salt.

You probably want to have a helmet/skullcrusher headmount for your NVG. You may find it quite useful to navigate or read a map with your nods. Bringing your gun up to your face in order to navigate / read is certainly going to be a PITA.

Also, when you navigate without NV to your hide or assault area etc you are going to miss out on a giant pile of environmental information, such as the lights of enemies.

Their are mounts for the PVS14, such as the TNVC aimpoint adapter, Larue LT133, that would allow you to quickly go from helmet to rifle mount. Their are some options like the USGI issue adaptor for flat top rifles

I own the LT133, and I used to run it mounted to my PVS14 while it was on my helmet, and I used it to move my NODS to my rifle when I got to an ambush position as having the NOD on the rifle while sitting and waiting in ambush is useful, it lets you aim without the use of a laser system that gives away your position.

You will need to pair your optic with your NV. Your Scope so i'm assuming bolt gun??? should be designed to be paired with a set of NV, some scopes are designed to have the NV put in front and others behind, know the difference. If you have a NV in front scope, the magnification from your optic will increase the visibility of imperfections in your image such as pixels, and "noise" from the NV unit.

Speaking about optics. Budget live fire optics not going to work. I owned a Vortex VIPER with the NV settings and the NV settings are too damn bright that I wouldn't even mount my PVS14 behind the scope. Basically you are going to have to go with a proven Military grade optic that costs real money. The cheapest rifle optic being the Aimpoint PRO (IMHO). The last thing you want is to have a reticle burned into the the display of your NODS.

you could buy a dedicated NV device that is intended and designed to be paired with a Scope like a PVS 22 or a dedicated NV scope
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Last edited by Azathoth; September 28th, 2016 at 14:16..
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Old September 28th, 2016, 14:11   #3
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If you are only looking at lower end NV setups, there are night vision scopes that you can use. They aren't very good though.

If you are looking for a proper NOD setup, there are weapon mounts for the PVS14, though there is a reason most people prefer helmet mounted.
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Old September 28th, 2016, 14:52   #4
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Yup, I kinda figured. Seems like I'm going in the wrong direction. Thanks guys.
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Old September 28th, 2016, 15:33   #5
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Old October 3rd, 2016, 12:33   #6
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The biggest benefit to weapon mounting NV (and the only reason to me) is that you can go prone without having to crane your neck at an odd angle. however if you dont spend 90% of the night on your gut and you have a decent gen 2 device or better I think you will find yourself wanting of a helmet mount, its just to much of advantage to not be looking through the NOD all the time.

If your really set on weapon mounting, which it seems like your fairly flexible consider getting I think it was the aimpoint QD mount it breaks into 2 peices one stays on the rifle the other on the nod, and you can have a j-arm attatched at the same time so you can quickly transition from head to weapon mount in a pinch.
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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Old October 3rd, 2016, 13:06   #7
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I'd recommend getting just a mid-grade gen2 and an aimpoint T1 or something.
No use getting top end gen2 if you're not going to use it for navigation or precise spotting.
~$1400 range, plus a weapon mount
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Old October 4th, 2016, 00:52   #8
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I'd say get a eotech or aim point PRO. it's the best optic that is NV compatible. That airport mount Ben is talking about is made By tnvc they won't be selling it out of the US so you are smuggling thay in. Plus it's 300 plus dollars.

Larue lt133 best choice on a budget if you want to the helmet and rifle capabilities
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Old October 4th, 2016, 01:05   #9
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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What would you setup with a sniper rifle? I can't imagine a helmet mount merging with a scope well.
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Old October 4th, 2016, 14:23   #10
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Put a laser on the sniper rifle, or get an actual gen2 scope
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