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Old August 25th, 2006, 11:38   #1
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Anyone think TM will make an HK UMP?
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Old August 25th, 2006, 11:45   #2
Mr Jon
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Only a matter of time before they deceided to make one. Cross your fingers, pray to the airsoft gods and hope for the best.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 13:44   #3
depends. TM isnt going to make someting that wont sell. Star and G&P didnt go that well with their UMPs...and Im sure TM was paying attention to their sales(or lack thereof).

be nice, but I doubt TM/CA will consider it for some time.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 15:50   #4
Rumpel Felt
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Why not just buy the G&G one. The build would be better than a TM one anyway. Internally, I haven't heard to much gripe about them, then again I haven't heard all that much about them at all.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 16:22   #5
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I posted this just today and Had 99 hits. I don't think bad sales of this gun by other company is a good indicator that this will not sell. Maybe If a company like TM was selling it would do much better. I think more people would by if it were a company like TM. I have heard that G&G has had issues! Although the gun looks great!
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Old August 25th, 2006, 16:40   #6
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i'd buy it. :cheers:
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Old August 25th, 2006, 16:42   #7
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Originally Posted by jayrod
I posted this just today and Had 99 hits. I don't think bad sales of this gun by other company is a good indicator that this will not sell. Maybe If a company like TM was selling it would do much better. I think more people would by if it were a company like TM. I have heard that G&G has had issues! Although the gun looks great!
People click expecting they see TM releasing a new gun, not a question whether we think TM will release one.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 16:56   #8
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The G&G UMP had some tappet plate issues when it first came out...they did tried to replace the parts for their customers. But I am not sure if anyone got the replacement part here in Canada.
But someone correct me if I am wrong about this one.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 20:35   #9
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The G&G ones are hit and miss whether they work at all or pack it in before you finish the first mag. It seems with G&G, if you can get it to work for 1 day, you MAY have a decent gun.

The tappet issue is one thing, the assembly sucks, parts are TM quality at best, but the fit and finish are what will sell you on it. If the gun is a dud, you can always fix it.

I know retailers who are scared to sell the UMP because they know that it's crapshoot whether the thing works or craters right out of the box.

The ones I've worked on were either DOA (electrical problem) or tappet failure of sorts after 1 mag.

Marui might make one that actually works and mags would be easy enough to get.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 20:40   #10
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This is what I mean people won't but it even though the demand may be high because of poor quality. I'm sure the UMP would sell almost as well as the TM G36. The UMP has been in alot of movies it looks like all business! If you had ever sceen one in person you would love it!
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Old August 25th, 2006, 21:51   #11
Rumpel Felt
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You're a USian, buy one from WGC that's pre-upgraded so you'll no someones already tinkered with it to make sure it works.

The things' made of nylon fibre and aluminum, yes? You ain't gonna get that external quality from TM. Just like the G36C from them. Compare it to a CA one, and it feels like a cheap CT toy.
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Old August 26th, 2006, 01:43   #12
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:grin: I UMP is something I would like TM to make, I was going to buy the G and G UMG but I heard a few bad things about it so I went with a mp5k (new)
I really like the UMP with the rails and all its too bad TM doesn't make one
Plans are a list of things that don't happen...........
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Old August 26th, 2006, 10:13   #13
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I don't want to make this a TM G36 thread but I own a TM G36C and it is awsome build quality. When people compare they almost always compare to TM because they set the bar! From what I have read and can see the G&G UMP looks very Nice I would just like to see what TM could do with this platform. I went back and forth on what to buy CA or TM and I chose Tm and I can honestly say I was very impressed with the TM G36C.
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Old August 26th, 2006, 17:27   #14
Rumpel Felt
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Having owned both, you'll throw your TM G36C in the garbage after holding a CA one. Yes, the difference is that noticable. TM just uses their usual plasticy plastic, unlike CA.
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Old August 26th, 2006, 21:56   #15
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
Having owned both, you'll throw your TM G36C in the garbage after holding a CA one. Yes, the difference is that noticable. TM just uses their usual plasticy plastic, unlike CA.
The CA is the colour and grain is the result of unfinished plastic. TM spends alot of time making their plastic looks just the way it does. If you *personally* prefer the look of the CA, that is your choice, but it is actually a much less refined product.

For the full size, it's much cheaper to get a CA. For the C, if I had to choose, I would always choose a TM for superior worksmanship, although the CA is still a very capable model, and a very close contender.

I don't know why you dislike TM so much, but I have yet to see a company that can match their overall level of quality control and engineering (and we have at least one gun of every brand of AEG in the store right now, so we regularly compare them to eachother).

TM is still the standard that all other guns are compared against (although some companies are finally picking up some of the slack, CA in particular, and some models, such as armalites, are becoming favourites over the TM in some respects).

As for a UMP, I'm surprised TM didn't make one sometime after the G36 actually, I will have to look at it next time I'm at the shop, but it seems like it could use a fairly standard mechbox, no?
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