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Which way should mags face in M4 pouches?


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Old August 3rd, 2008, 12:23   #1
panda86's Avatar
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Which way should mags face in M4 pouches?

This is probably a noob question, but I don't mind asking. I'm not in the military, so I don't know the proper way.

Basically: what's the proper way to carry / reload the mag in an M4 setup, assuming you have 3-4 double M4 pouches on the front of your vest, and you're a right handed shooter?

I've seen on some loadouts that people carry their M4 mags with the curve of the mag pointing "towards" their right shoulder (with the open end of the mag at the bottom of the pouch).

Is this because:
- they are a right handed shooter
- when reloading, they reach for the mag with the back of their hand facing their chest, grab a mag by the sides, pull out the mag, and when they position their hand under the M4, the mag is oriented correctly (bullets facing forward) and is ready to insert?

I've seen some pics where people have the mags pointed towards their left shoulder, in some pics the mags are "right side up" (you can actually see the rounds at the top) and in some pictures, the pouches have the mags inserted "forwards". The mag is actually oriented facing forward, in the same position as the mag in the gun.

Some examples:

mags pointed to right shoulder

mags pointed forward

These look like AK mags, but they are pointed to the left shoulder

Pointing to the left, open end facing up

This is confusing, so I just wanted to know what the proper / best / fastest way of carrying / positioning / reloading a mag in an M4 loadout.

*ps: Sorry, I tried searching but I couldn't get good results with the words I was using. I have no idea what this technique is called.

Last edited by panda86; August 3rd, 2008 at 12:30..
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 12:31   #2
Depends on preference. It's not complicated.

It's more important that your reload drills match the way your mags are sitting in your pouch than the other way around.
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 12:32   #3
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Well I'm imaginary also but I have magpuls on my so they're bullets down and turned so as I draw them out and rotate my hand they turn to the correct angle to insert.

Way back when I had bullets down also when I carried mags in my pockets.
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 12:32   #4
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This depends on a lot of factors, where are the pouches located on your body, and how do you load your mags?

AK mags, for instance, can be grabbed quite close to the top without slowing down the reload process, while Armalite mags have to be grabbed from the bottom, else you would have to reposition your hand mid reload so you can slide it into the magwell.

The orientation comes from which side of your body the mags are on, if you are right handed:

Mags in pouches on the left side of your body would be facing shoulder right. Some people use all shoulder right when loading with he left hand.

Some people, have the magazines on the right side of their body face shoulder left, because of the angle of their hand to reach the mags is uncomfortable, so they change their loading form.
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 12:35   #5
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It really depends on you doesn't it? I personally use the first method described coz I reload with my left hand and it follows the movement I was trained in. Doesn't mean other methods don't work, but thats how it was drilled into us in boot camp and what I was used to.
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 12:37   #6
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Originally Posted by Jer-Bear View Post
It really depends on you doesn't it? I personally use the first method described coz I reload with my left hand and it follows the movement I was trained in. Doesn't mean other methods don't work, but thats how it was drilled into us in boot camp and what I was used to.
Oh for sure, it's about comfort and speed, not to mention the equipment you have: Those retaining mag clamps allow you to to put mags nearly anywhere on your body and at any angle.
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 12:49   #7
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I also think it's a matter of personal preference. I tend to set that mags in my pouches so they curve towards the right. I set them up this way because as soon as I take the mage out of the pouch, it's in the correct orientation to insert back into my gun without having to turn the mag to insert it.
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 12:54   #8
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Thanks for the tips so far! Like i mentioned, I've never been in trained in anything like the military, so other than movies - I really don't know unless someone showed me. I'm just asking to make sure I do the most efficient way as possible, so maybe some actual military techniques might help me.

The way I'm doing it now is just like I described, which seems similar to what most of you described.

I have a plate carrier, with 3 double M4 pouches up front, centered on the lower portion of the plate carrier (admin pouch is on top covering my "heart" area).

I'm right handed, so I usually eject the mag, grab the spent mag and either put it in my dump pouch or an empty slot (which leads me to another question!)

I'll then grab another M4 mag from the left most pouch (and eventually i would work my way to the right most pouch). My mags are currently "bullet side down" and the curve is pointing towards my right shoulder. That way, when I reach for the mag with the back of my hand facing my chest, I pull the mag out and my fingers are on the "front" of the mag, the thumb is on the back. This lines it up for loading into the bottom of the M4.

This is just based on my own experience, so again if anyone has any tips or is seeing that I'm doing something wrong or could do it better, let me know. I'm open to it and just want to see opinions and other ideas that might work better.

On the "other" question, do most people play with a mag already loaded in their AEG, and this leaves an empty spot open in a pouch where it should be replaced, or do most prefer dump pouches? I have both and use both, but again - it'd be interesting to hear other people's perspectives.

Thanks in advance!
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 13:03   #9
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Looks good for weak hand shooting. You wont be fumbling with mags that way...

EDIT: tried it out.. works really well

Last edited by Lakonian; August 3rd, 2008 at 13:12..
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 13:05   #10
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Sounds to me like you've figured out the correct way for you. That's all that matters, really.

Personally, I alway throw my spent mags in my drop pouch. That way, if I'm reloading in a fire fight, there's no chance of accidentally grabbing an empty mag. However, my drop pouch will only hold about 6 or 7 mags, so when it's full (my vest has 6 double pouches), I will put the empties in my left-side mag pouches (I too start from the left-most pouch and work my way right) and have the full mags on the right. Again, they don't get mixed up that way.

Now, technically, that's my "strategy" here. I've yet to get to that point. I carry my speedloader along with me, and in-game, as I head out to my respawn point when killed, I'll just reload my spent mags. I've yet to actually have to touch my right-side mags in game.
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 13:20   #11
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Well they shouldn't be facing forward in a DOUBLE mag pouch lol
Triple mag pouches, bullets point out
Double mag pouches, bullets point towards your dick, but it depends what arm you use for the mag pouch. Whatever arm you use for that mag pouch, the bullets should face the opposite shoulder.
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Old August 3rd, 2008, 21:14   #12
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Cool, thanks guys. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on any secret techniques.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 02:19   #13
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im a dump pouch kinda guy...just throw it in there....

playing with my kid!
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Old August 4th, 2008, 02:29   #14
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I'm right handed so bullets facing my right shoulder and mag tops up, makes reloading mags easier. Used to have the mags upside down with magpuls but I saw a team mate reloading mags at respawn without taking them out and its really handy, isn't any slower either.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 02:35   #15
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I put mine so the part that faces forward in the rifle is towards the right. This is for the same reason Crunch pointed out. When you pull it out it's the right orientation and you can just put it in your gun.

As for reloads if I have time I'll put it back into the pouch I took it out of (I'm very good at keeping track and my vest holds 10 mags so it's unlikely I'll go through all of them). If I don't I'll actually stuff the used one between the vest and my chest since I don't have a dump pouch. It's secure and I can just put the empty back in the vest after.
JG HK416
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