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Armalite sniper/DMR


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Old January 3rd, 2009, 01:14   #1
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Armalite sniper/DMR

I'm wanting to put together a sniper and am looking for some advise/sudgestions.
First off I'm not a noob that needs to be talked out of the sniper roll I've had that conversation with a few noobs my self. And frankly I like to play the sniper roll every now and then. I've played one game where I only shot 20 rounds the whole day. and for anyone that cares 18 of those rounds were kills most being 50 to 100 yards with a KJW M700.
I've worked on a few guns already just not any armalites. I've worked on a G36, Ak and M14.
All of these guns were upgraded to 370 FPS. The M14 is now one of the nicest DMR's on our playing field.

My current plan is to get a cheap base gun then upgrade it to >500 FPS.

The closest I've come to owning an AR is a SCAR L. SO I'm not to sure as to the compatability of different guns. By that I mean models of guns not brands.

So my questions are as follows.

What are some good guns to use as the base to this gun. SR16, M16A4, M4? or does it even matter? in other words I'm looking for a cheap gun don't care if the internals just crapped out as they're going to be replaced any ways. I'm a big fan of TM guns.

What will I need to do for upgraded internals? I've never gone over 370 before. And where are some good places to get parts from? I don't want used internals. I usually deal with and have dealt with A&A surplus for mags.

Barrels, I've manly used Madbull 6.03 but I would like to go with a 6.02 for this one so what's a good brand?

Airsoftparts has a couple of differint sniper conversions for armalites. Any recomendations, any where else where I can get one. Ideally I would like to have a RIS/RAS with free floating Barrel. I know a free floating Barrel makes no differince in Airsoft I just like the look.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and for your help.

P.S. Please no flaming, I want real advise and please don't post up advise about upgrades if you've never done any yourself. Again this isn't the first gun I've upgraded I'm just new to Armalites and have never taken a gun over 370, but I want this to be a sniper and I like the look of an armalite.
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 01:29   #2
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I have an AR DMR that is semi-only and fires at 495-497 fps with 0.25g. Needless to say, I can't use it anywhere except my home field, and it will sting you pretty good at ranges of 150' no problem.

But to operate at those velocities reliably required an investment outside the scope of what you're planning, by a long shot. It's not much help for your project, but just giving you an idea of where it can go, and the possibilites.

Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Last edited by mcguyver; January 3rd, 2009 at 01:32..
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 02:00   #3
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As I stated earlier I'm wanting to upgrade to just under 500 FPS seeing as that's my club's FPS Limit, at that FPS I'm limited to shooting semi-only, which is no prob for me seeing as this is supposed to be a sniper.

I have a friend who recently upgraded to the same FPS as you but his gun isn't Known for its reliabliety.

Parts I'm looking at from
Mad Bull Patriot Kit- Sniper Version
King Arms G16 M4 Grip
King Arms M4/M16 metal Accessories Set - sniper (out of stock so probably go with tactical)
Systema M120 V2 Complete Gearbox- M16A2/SR16 or M4A1/M4RIS/M4S System (Not sure what the diff is between them, is it just the wiring?)
King Arms M4/M16 enhanced hop - up unit.

I know that at the FPS I'm wanting to go to I'll need to replace more then this.
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 02:05   #4
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You may want to look at a Revolution gearbox/motor set from Systema. They are out now apparently, but not cheap. I would expect them to cost you about $650-$700 by the time it gets to your door. But they're built with the M150 and many PTW technological perks. Semi-only is easy to do.

As far as barrels go, I've only ever used PDI and Prometheus. I can't help you with the Madbull.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 3rd, 2009, 02:32   #5
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Originally Posted by Blackgryph View Post
As I stated earlier I'm wanting to upgrade to just under 500 FPS seeing as that's my club's FPS Limit, at that FPS I'm limited to shooting semi-only, which is no prob for me seeing as this is supposed to be a sniper.

I have a friend who recently upgraded to the same FPS as you but his gun isn't Known for its reliabliety.

Parts I'm looking at from
Mad Bull Patriot Kit- Sniper Version
King Arms G16 M4 Grip
King Arms M4/M16 metal Accessories Set - sniper (out of stock so probably go with tactical)
Systema M120 V2 Complete Gearbox- M16A2/SR16 or M4A1/M4RIS/M4S System (Not sure what the diff is between them, is it just the wiring?)
King Arms M4/M16 enhanced hop - up unit.

I know that at the FPS I'm wanting to go to I'll need to replace more then this.
The Systema M120 mechbox won't get you up to 500 FPS. You'll still need to change the spring out. The M4A1 version is wired to the front and the M16 version is wired to the rear. You'll need a Systema Magnum motor to pull that kind of spring and a good battery as well. Perhaps infinite torque gears would be a good alternative to the Systema complete gearbox. As McGuyver suggested the new revolution gearbox is also good way to go if you have the cash.
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 03:13   #6
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Revo gearbox or PTW or bolt action. Those are your solid choices.
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 07:31   #7
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If I were doing this, I'd go this way:
G&P M16A4 base gun (you can keep most of the internals)
Madbull M150 spring
Prometheus double torque gears
Prometheus 6.03 barrel
Extreme-Fire SW-S MOSFET switch
Sanyo NiCad 9.6v large battery
Deans connectors
Leapers 3-9x50 Scope

Good luck
Bob - My TM M14, AK47 and G36KV
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 10:09   #8
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I wouldn't suggest Prometheus double torque gears Namloot. They're the equivalent to mere Systema torque gears (one level above standard ratio), and are not recommended for a M150 spring. You would be fine if you're the type that only takes a shot every now and then, but if you have a chance to fire multiple semi-auto shots in a short duration of time your motor is going to heat up extremely fast because of that mismatched gear ratio.

You also really need triple torque/super torque at a minimum and a higher than 9.6v battery to get a decent trigger response at 500 FPS.
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 10:43   #9
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I'd start with a CA or G&P M4.

Decide if you want a full stock (probably) or a collapsible stock.

The front end kit you listed is nice, I've installed one already on an SR25. The JP kit is nice as well.

I've put in several 6.03mm Madbull tightbores. No magic or mystery there...they work well. You must use good bbs...6.03 is getting pretty tight and mis-shapen bbs will jam. AK/M16 length inner barrels are easy to get.

I'd buy a G&P M120 Complete mechbox or Systema mechbox (although I think that they are overpriced for what you're getting comparably). And just reshim the G&P complete.

I'd use a KA Enhanced Hopup unit...just because they've worked well for me so far (installed/used about 10 or so).

With a tight setup with good solid'll be tickling the 440fps w/ 0.20g bbs range....plenty close enough to the 500fps MAX limit.

A stock TM EG1000, EG700 will pull it...but might not last long. A G&P M120 motor will work, a Guarder Infinite Torque Up motor will be really nice and a Systema Magnum is super-sweet.

That setup and a large 8.4v battery...and you'll be happy. BUT Start with a metal bodied M4 (not dboys) or you'll regret it when you're done the build. WARNING: Once you go can't go back.

Best of luck...have fun! (what's the min engagement distance for your 500fps max games?)

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Old January 3rd, 2009, 16:00   #10
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I have seen a couple of very interesting things I plan on getting myself at some point...

Systema's M170 gearbox kit
King Arms 24" sniper floating front set

I'm sure people will freak out and scream not to get the M170!!1!1!! But I plan on doing it anyway. If the shell breaks, I can always CNC my own out of low carbon tool steel. I LOVE that fluted floating barrel set and I suggest DON'T get it! I'll be too jealous. Outer barrel spacers are included with the kit, in order to maximize compatibility to whatever AR body you get.

As for inner barrels, I have a Mad Bull 6.03 and a Deep Fire 6.02, both from, both perform quite well imho.

EDIT: Actually, now that SystemA's Revolution is out, I'd be considering that instead.

Last edited by DrChi; January 3rd, 2009 at 20:56..
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Old January 4th, 2009, 15:16   #11
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I would like thank people so far for their down to earth advise.

I have two madbull 6.03mm. tight bores installed in a G36 k Rail system, and an AK. both shooting 370. The madbull tight bores are nice, but I'm wanting a 6.02 for this sniper package.

M102404 At 500 or under FPS I am not allowed to shoot any one closer then 50' and NO head shots period. It's also expected that I would show a certain amount of restraint as to where I shoot people. There has only been a hand full of snipers that play in the club I'm with and they have always been the more experienced players.
I've dodged bullets, have you?
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Old January 6th, 2009, 22:05   #12
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Well, heres what Im doing:

Base gun: KWA KM4A1
GB Im keeping stock except for the spring guide, nozzle and cylinder. Iv talked with KWA and the unported piston works best with KWA guns, so I wouldnt suggest porting it or getting one.
Hopup: I bought a TM hopup unit, firefly bucking, big out h-nub.
Barrel: Prommy 650mm 6.03mm TBB
Since I changed my cylinder out to a type 0 my guns getting 500fps with the stock M120, so my setup is reliable (not going to break at all) and quick trigger response.
P.S. If you're intending to change out your spring, KWA gb's and motors can handle m150 springs, but nothing much more because of the v2 gb being "naturally flaued".
Prob. gunna get flamed to shit for being a "KWA fanboy" but who cares, just my input.
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Old January 6th, 2009, 22:14   #13
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Originally Posted by vic_man4 View Post
Since I changed my cylinder out to a type 0 my guns getting 500fps with the stock M120, so my setup is reliable (not going to break at all) and quick trigger response.
500 fps on a V2 is not "reliable". It will break fairly quickly.

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Old January 6th, 2009, 22:21   #14
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
500 fps on a V2 is not "reliable". It will break fairly quickly.
Depends on what gearbox you have. If you're running a MTHaynes or a Pro-Win you can run a SP170 all day and the gearbox will be pristine (can't say that same about the other internals though

There's also the new Ver2fix which claims to stop V2 gearbox breakage although that's so new the jury is still out on it's effectiveness.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 00:59   #15
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Originally Posted by TriChrome View Post
Depends on what gearbox you have. If you're running a MTHaynes or a Pro-Win you can run a SP170 all day and the gearbox will be pristine (can't say that same about the other internals though

There's also the new Ver2fix which claims to stop V2 gearbox breakage although that's so new the jury is still out on it's effectiveness.
He's talking about a stock KWA one though.

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