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New BB's from BB Bastard for the 2010 season


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Old January 28th, 2010, 00:29   #1
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New BB's from BB Bastard for the 2010 season

Jay just sent this in to me
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2010 Season

The 2010 Airsoft Season is upon us. The airsoft BB world is a-buzz with new 'greener' BB products. This season the usual .20gr, .25gr, .28gr, and .30gr Styrene based double polish BBs are available, but in addition to this, BB Bastard proudy announces the release of four new 'green' products.


BB Bastard offers a bio-bb alternative with a proven formula for environmentally friendly BB products that break down at a much faster rate than regular styrene BBs. ECOBBs are made from, drum roll please, corn. Its actually based on polymer extracted from the corn called PLA by a company called "Natureworks" and has passed decomposition testing for several countries (DIN V54900-1(Germany), ASTM D6400(USA), EN13432(EU), Green Pla(Japan)). This polymer combined with mineral powder (which permits fine seamless polishing) enables us to maintain virtually the same finished quality as a styrene BB. The end result is a product that in the presence of carbon dioxide and water will break down completely in about 90 days.

Since water is the primary activator, specific measures have been taken with ECOBB packaging to ensure you can still store a partially used bag of ECOBBs and use them without concern. In the past, premature decomposition would leave a greasy white trail in your feedpath - ECOBBs will not prematurely decompose if left in its original packaging. One big difference with ECOBBs, is unlike past PLA formulas, ECOBBs are not particularly light sensitive and light does not trigger the decomposition process (see competitors colored or silver reflective bags for ones that are).

BB Bastard believes its cracked the quality and polish issues with this ECO product so you can be assured of the performance characteristics you've come to expect from a BB Bastard brand BB product. Pricing is also very competitive with other ECOBB products, so you're also not going to have to spend an arm and a leg shooting these BBs.

ECOBBs are available in 3 weights this season, .20gr, .25gr, and the ever popular .28gr !

BB Bastard Clears

BB Bastard Clears are the Bastard answer to BioVAL BBBMax's transparent BB, the subject of some contraversy over the last few months. For the record, I want to make sure those who recall the debate, it was about the formulation and safety of this product. While BBBMax doesn't disclose its 'secret sauce' for its BB, BB Bastard Clears are identical in virtually all respects. BB Bastard Clears are 99.999% pure Silica. Do they break glass? You betcha. Do I recommend you shoot at glass with them? Nope - not unless you intend to break it. In all other respects many here have tested silica BBs against plastic objects, including goggles, and they appear to be safe in this respect - but you be the judge. If the community wants this product, I will supply it, and it is available, in quantity this season.

The weight I chose to make them in is 28gr. This weight appears to be the most popular performance weight that BB Bastard sells, hence, my choice.

Are BB Bastard Clears an ECOBB? No. They are at best inert. If they did break down, they'd break down into sand. So if you want a BB that disappears, choose an ECOBB. But BB Bastard Clears release no toxic chemicals into the environment and are biologically inactive. Picture a rock - thats basically what a BB Bastard Clear is.

I hope that gives you an idea of where the BB Bastard brand is going. I intend to travel a little more this season and come out to the venues that the Bastard product is used at, including Claybank 2010 in May. I want to thank all my loyal Bastard fans and Bastards out there for their continued support and encouragment - its been 7 years now and each year the demand grows bigger and bigger despite the increased choices of BB products out there. I take that to mean I am doing something right, and you guys and gals are okay with this. See you on the fields!

Jay "Scarecrow" Patterson
Head Bastard
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Old January 28th, 2010, 00:39   #2
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Fuck Bioval, BBBastard FTW!

Thanks Jay for listening and bringing products that people want
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Old January 28th, 2010, 01:26   #3
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
Fuck Bioval, BBBastard FTW!
Plus a huge fucking one mate.

The fact BB Bastard comes right out and states the product is Bio neutral (like a rock as he says) is a strong point for me.
None of this misconception and delusion of calling his product Biodegradable unlike Bioval

Sure you can call that a very minor thing to pick about, but when I look for a product I can trust it sure counts for me.

Look forward to giving these a shot.
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Old January 28th, 2010, 09:27   #4
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If anyone is interested, I have the MSDS sheets for any of the products, full disclosure as to what they are made of, but I don't make any secret of the contents of my BB products. If you look at my history I am very upfront about what the various BBs are made of and in some cases, even how they are made and why we chose those materials. In fact players here at ASC were key in choosing those materials, the weights and the finishes they've wanted.
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Old January 28th, 2010, 21:31   #5
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Woot, i like the looks of those BB Bastard Clears.
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Old January 28th, 2010, 21:51   #6
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dont take this as an afront to your Scarecrow, i dont intend it to be. This is just my opinion on the actual CONCEPT.

i am not a fan of clear BBs. there is too much controversy for me.

again, im not griping as to why you made the product. from a capitalist point of view, it makes perfect sense, and i commend you for that, and for your desire and ingenuity into branching out into other products.

but still, if they can crack glass, they pose more of a damage to guns, and i dont want my guns or mags riddles with bb dents.

just another thing (for me anyway), to worry about at games.

Just my 2 cents.

If you are offended by this, such was not my intent, and i sincerely apologize for causing any offense.

i am, and always will be, a loyal bastard
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Old January 28th, 2010, 22:16   #7
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Man, people are still riled up by these? Pusangani's test showed that regular .25g BBs caused more damage to a plastic receiver than the .27g BBBMax.

Glass is probably the only major concern here, and one that is easily controlled.
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Old January 28th, 2010, 22:25   #8
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What's the point of having transparent BBs anyways?
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Old January 28th, 2010, 22:30   #9
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they are clear because they are glass, not glass because they wanted to make them clear

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The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old January 28th, 2010, 22:41   #10
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You're right, but some find it cool, and they buy BBMAX for that reason. So... I guess Jay wants to keep his Canada-wide supremacy :P
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Old January 28th, 2010, 22:54   #11
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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How many fields in the GTA have glass in the field? ... lol

They're safe to use. I'd rather have them hard, then to shatter.

I could say the same shit about plastic BB's hitting brick walls and the BB shatters and hit's and cuts into my skin...

It's up to the hosts to ban them or not, or it's up to you to play or not if they are used by another player.

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Old January 28th, 2010, 23:20   #12
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I like the though of shooting rocks at the opfor.
Still no black .28s though!

The .28 ecobb's sound nice though. I'll definitely give those a try this year.
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Old January 28th, 2010, 23:56   #13
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Hey Jay
Any word on how much a bag of BB Glasstards uhhh I mean glass bastards will be?
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Old January 29th, 2010, 00:00   #14
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Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded View Post
I like the though of shooting rocks at the opfor.
Still no black .28s though!

The .28 ecobb's sound nice though. I'll definitely give those a try this year.
The EcoBB's are awsome i had the privillage testing out a bag and i must say awsome job Jay and one thing i found out is the ECO's arent flammable and are twice as hard to crush then the regular bbs i just finished the bag and am working on a review it will be posted soon. Awsome products Jay keep em commin..

BB-Bastards FOR LIFE
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Old January 29th, 2010, 01:41   #15
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Originally Posted by Donster View Post
i am not a fan of clear BBs. there is too much controversy for me....but still, if they can crack glass, they pose more of a damage to guns, and i dont want my guns or mags riddles with bb dents.
I am not offended at all and I am happy to have the opportunity to discuss it. Its a totally valid question given my past stance on the issue, and I know what it looks like - the Bastard bowing to capitalism...

Originally Posted by Conker
You're right, but some find it cool, and they buy BBMAX for that reason. So... I guess Jay wants to keep his Canada-wide supremacy :P
Precisely. It is a more pragmatic approach I'll admit, but the Glasstards (damnit Spawn, that would have been perfect, but the labels are already printed!) seem to have a following and as Pusangani's tests showed, have reasonable real world characteristics. You see, I trust Pusangani's tests because, a) he is a local airsofter, b) he's the first one to call a spade a spade, sometimes even to his detriment here, c) he's unbiased - he doesn't sell my products, and d) he hosts games. So if an airsoft such as he is happy, a bunch will be happy - not all, but a bunch. Am I worried about shattering BBs? No, I've posted the shear force tests on these BBs in other threads, they're not a shatter hazard at any temperature we play at, nor at any force our AEGs shoot at - by a large order of magnitude. So, in my mind, in those respects, these are reasonably safe to use, provided EVERYONE is okay with it. Just like snipers, everyone on the field and host have to be okay with these.

Originally Posted by Thenooblord
they are clear because they are glass, not glass because they wanted to make them clear
Er, no not for me. Some people like hard and clear and I want to give them a Bastard option. It happens to be Silica has those properties. Is it a fad? Perhaps, like black BBs I suspect they will come and go. I've also come out and said, this is SILICA, not some super-duper top secret resin crap. So you know up front what you're shooting. If you don't like it, don't use it. I have a full line of ECO and non-ECO products in the most popular weights as alternatives.

Originally Posted by Strikefreedom
What's the point of having transparent BBs anyways?
Choice and selection. Refer to Conker's astute and simplest interpretation and you've found your answer.

All valid comments and observations guys - I knew I might take some heat on this decision, but I think my reasoning and the testing, along with the disclaimers on the bag and my openness about the product's contents will let you the player and/or the host make an INFORMED decision about what you want to put in your gun and shoot in your games, or have shot at you.
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