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KWA M-4 Vs SRC M-4


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Old February 16th, 2010, 23:47   #1
kolumbo69's Avatar
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KWA M-4 Vs SRC M-4

KWA m-4 vs SRC m-4

So I figured my budget and these guns fit it, but my decision hinges on:

Stock reliability and upgradeability of externals/internals

For upgradeability it has more to do with being able to switch between a CQB front end & 320fps, and a longer front end for outdoor.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 23:52   #2
Able1's Avatar
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you wanna be able to switch front ends on the fly? like from an m4 to m16?
cause thats pretty hard many people build 2 guns outdoor and indoor so they can play both without cracking open there gun.
It's not about the guy who doesn't call his hit. It's about the pants you're wearing and the pants you're team mate is wearing, Is it real multi cam or is it Chinese repro multi cam? I don't know but in the end it's still multicam.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 23:56   #3
kolumbo69's Avatar
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Yeah thats what I was thinking of so I can run a CQB magpul indoor and a long m16 for outdoor for improved accuracy obviously changing lengths of inner and outer barrels.

I'm swaying towards the KWA but I'm not sure how well they take externals upgrades from King arms etc.. excluding the upper and lower receivers I have read can be a pain and need to be filed etc
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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:05   #4
Able1's Avatar
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Switching from in and out on the fly isnt easy man. Unless you have an ICs where u can switch the upper mechbox. Changing inner and outter barrels everytime you need to go outdoor sounds very tedious.
It's not about the guy who doesn't call his hit. It's about the pants you're wearing and the pants you're team mate is wearing, Is it real multi cam or is it Chinese repro multi cam? I don't know but in the end it's still multicam.
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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:08   #5
Sha Do
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Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
you wanna be able to switch front ends on the fly? like from an m4 to m16?
cause thats pretty hard many people build 2 guns outdoor and indoor so they can play both without cracking open there gun.
I don't know much about the SRC M4's, but I assume that it is typical of M4's in the aspect that you cannot change the front end "on the fly".
Many of the AEGs on the market allow you to do a quick two stage break down and switch out the upper part of the mech box (ICS) or switch out the cylinder (Systema PTW) in order to switch between various fps, but the only way to switch out the front end would be with certain types of "bull pup" AEGs, such as the AUG. The Aug (and others such as the P90) allow you to completely switch out the entire upper receiver in just a few seconds if you have the second receiver already properly set up (ie, complete with inner barrel, hop up, and so on). So you could have the standard M16 barrel length on the AUG, and switch it out for a shorty carbine barrel for CQB in just seconds....with out having to remove everything including the mech box.

KWA and all the main stream after market parts manufacturers are compatible for internals. It is absolutely a fitment issue for any other brand of mech box shell to be dropped in (filing, a dremmel, a hack saw... are needed).

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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:21   #6
kolumbo69's Avatar
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Very good points..... I guess I didn't realize it was the difficult and only would do it for indoor/outdoor seasons....

I guess in that case I will turn it into a straight KWA m4 vs SRC M4 for durability and quality of internals
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Old February 17th, 2010, 00:41   #7
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ummm actually I had a couple AR platforms, and I was able to switch the between two uppers by get a g&g , they match up perfect. I had a cqb-s front end and a m16/a3. the thing is that you need to dial the hop-up on both of them.
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Old February 17th, 2010, 01:15   #8
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So did you have this on your G&G or was its any AR series converted to a G&G front end...
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